The Super Adventurer’s Vacation Sale (Sept. 28 - Oct. 5th)

Getting a deal on a video game is always nice. That’s one reason to have a sale every now and then. I don’t follow any particular norm like special holidays (though sometimes I do) but rather important life events like my sons birthday or in this case going on vacation.

The Retro Room has been open for 1 year and 8 months. During this time I’ve only ever closed 3 times. Twice for a market with my wifes business and once because I wasn’t feeling tip top. My family and have have gone on mini vacations but those usually began after work on Saturday and ended Tuesday night.

A big ‘Thank you’ to family for understanding my schedule and my belief that even one day of missed work can change so everything.

The time has finally come for my family and I to take a real vacation. So for the first time ever the shop will be closed for 1 whole week. All I can say is wow, it’s a long time to close. Kinda make me anxious because I’ve never been away from the Retro Room for this much time.

During this time I’ll be running a sale which I jokingly say will help pay for the vacation... maybe

Even though they don’t pop up very often I feel a sale is a great way to show appreciation to everyone who’s shopped at the Retro Room. Also to give a little bonus because I won’t be open.


So if you didn’t read on social Media here are the deals:

Sale runs from Sept. 28 - Oct. 5th

10% OFF - Pre-Played Consoles
Current Generation Pre Played Video Games

15% OFF - Pre-Played Games (PS3, 360, WiiU and previous)
New Accessories

20% OFF - Video game Guides


Everything is automatic in your cart.


All orders will be fulfilled the week I get back Starting on the 8th of October.

Thanks everyone for your support and enjoy the sale.

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